What You Need to Know When You Store a Vehicle in a Storage Unit
When you store a vehicle in a storage unit, there are some things you need to know to keep your car safe and protected. Here is a list of what you should do to prepare your car for storage and what to expect when you retrieve it. Choose the right storage unit size for...
Storing Tools, Equipment, and Materials
You Take Care of your Home Owning a home involves regular maintenance and addressing issues promptly. For DIY enthusiasts like me, tackling tasks such as caulk cracks, paint touch-ups, or refinishing furniture is rewarding. However, considering the frequency of these...
The Ultimate Guide to Packing and Packing Materials
What’s there to learn about packing? Packing is an important part of moving your belongings into our storage. An improperly packaged box could become damaged in transit or gather dust from sitting in storage. But to learn how to pack properly, we need first to cover...
Seven Storage Tips for Economizing your Unit!
Making the Most of your Storage Unit! Everyone wants to get their moneys worth. Storage units are no different. We’ve seen countless clients jamming and overfilling their storage units to the point where they begin to damage the materials they are trying to store! But...
Problem with Clutter? Storage is the Answer!
Got Clutter? Do you have boxes under your bed or a closet filled with stuff instead of clothes? Then you’ve got clutter! If you are the kind of person who keeps excess clutter in your home, maybe it’s time for you to consider the fact that you should get rid of it....