Holidays or not, you may just be someone that acquires a lot of items and needs a little extra help in organizing everything. Get the most out of your unit, regardless of the size, with some tips that will every trip quick and painless.

Simple Guidelines

Stay Within a Similar Size Range for Boxes – When you have boxes that vary too much in size, the stacking ability isn’t as efficient as it could be. Large boxes are great for items that aren’t too heavy, but they won’t stand up too well if placed at the bottom of the stack.

Identify Everything You May Need Throughout the Year – If you live in an area with an ever-changing climate and seasons, consider pushing the boxes with your winter and summer clothes to the front of the unit for easier access. Give some thought as to how often you’ll access your travel supplies, holidays décor, tools, etc.

Label Everything – Of course, if you’re a master at memorizing where everything is exactly, then this doesn’t apply to you. However, if you don’t visit your storage facility frequently throughout the year, then it’s probably best to put a simple label on the box you’ll need later.

Create a List of Everything You Have Inside – Although this tip may seem a bit too much, it may come in handy later on when you are trying to access boxes that are out of sight and have the exact item you’re looking for. Whether digitally or handwritten, having a master list is awesome!

Consider an Upgrade – When you’re occupying around 75% of your unit, it’s probably time to look for a bigger and better space. Xtra Storage has over 100 different storage size units, so if you are starting to run out of space, ask us about upgrading a larger unit that only offers more floor space, but enough height to stack all the boxes you want.

Xtra Storage

Our clients are the priority for us, and they have been for many years, which is why we find it crucial to advise on the best ways to organize your belongings. We have people from all over the world storing their precious wine, art, and office files in our storage facilities. We take our business very seriously because we understand that we’re safekeeping precious items every day for when our clients need them.