Are we defined by the things we keep?

I love buying things. I think it’s safe to say that most people like buying things. But is there a point in time where it begins to weigh you down?

I’m not a hoarder, but I do have a lot of furniture and stuff in general. When you step into my room, it feels a little bit claustrophobic. To start, I have two desks. Do I use both desks…? Nah…. At some point, my plan is to get rid of one of them! However, when I get home from a long day of work, I tend to sit down at my corner desk and do the same thing I have always done.

What if I went home today and got rid of that desk? Would it change the way I act? Would it change the way I feel in my home? It certainly would create more space, thereby opening up my room and perhaps even letting more light in. Furthermore, it could positively effect the feng shui and energy in the room.

How can you give yourself a fresh start?

fresh start cleaningYou don’t have to throw things away. You don’t have to dump all of your belongings out the door. Or even sell them on Craigslist. If you feel that you may need the belongings in the future and that they have some value to you – I would encourage you to use our air-conditioned self-storage. Utilizing a self-storage unit can free up your space at home or the office as well as help with mental clarity. We have over 75 different size storage units with a budget for everyone. Whether you’d like to free up some closet space and store your winter clothes or make more room in the garage by storing your holiday decorations, Halloween décor, and costumes, or even storing your Christmas decorations we are here to help!

There’s this great tip for keeping and discarding clothing you haven’t used in a long time: you flip all of your clothing hangars around, and if within a one year period the hangars have not flipped around – it is a very good indication that you haven’t worn that clothing in a year. This is another excellent example of an area in which you can clear out, get rid of, donate, or place into a self-storage facility should you need it at some future point.

Why do we insist on holding on to so many things that just don’t need to be there? Are we bogging ourselves down with clutter?

cleaning out your roomSo if you want to give yourself a fresh start, why don’t you try transitioning to a new version of your life? Go to your house, go to your favorite room and pick five things that you need or are attached to, but that you only need every so often. Ideas: winter clothing, holiday decorations, costumes, camping gear, tools, toys, etc.

What would happen if you moved them into self-storage? Try it. We think you’ll be pleased. Within a few months, you may come to realize that these items don’t impact your life as much as you think they may. You will have created more space at home or your place of work, and you’ll have your things in storage for whenever you need them!

Call us today and let’s begin giving you that fresh start! Brickell Xtra Storage: 305-856-1208.

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