Moving away from home is an exciting, transformative time for most kids: it’s a chance of learning how to live by themselves and truly become an adult. At the same time, it comes with a variety of different decisions that need to be made.

In this article, we’ll cover a significant one: what should be done with a child’s belongings when they move out? In this article, we’ll discuss coming up with a plan before they leave, making sure to communicate clearly, and a solution you can use if you’re unable to determine what to do with their stuff.

Come Up With a Plan Before They Leave

Regardless of the reason your child has chosen to leave, the chances are high that there will be many things they need to consider. Depending on the situation, this can range from making sure they’ve chosen the right school to finding the right job or neighborhood.

Despite that, it’s still a good idea to come up with an idea of what you should do with their belongings. This way, your child won’t leave with the expectation that their belongings will remain untouched when they’re gone.


More than anything, it’s important to communicate your plans and concerns with your child. The last thing you want is for them to come home expecting to see all their belongings just where they left them, only to see that you’ve gotten rid of everything and converted their bedroom into something else.

During this talk, it’s important to make sure goals and intentions clear, but you also want to listen to how they feel about things. Are they happy having left home? What are their plans for the future, and is there anything they’d want to do with the belongings they left behind?

Ultimately, it’s your space, so you get to decide what you want to do with it. At the same time, you want to make sure you’re respecting their feelings

Putting Their Belongings in a Storage Unit

If you and your child have conflicting views on what should be done with their belongings, a storage unit can offer an excellent compromise. It allows you to use the space in your home just how you’d like to, while also helping to keep their belongings from the trash bin.

There are several ways you can handle getting the storage unit. If you want, you can simply have the storage unit indefinitely while they decide what to do; you may even choose to use the unit for some of your own belongings that you want to keep, even if you don’t need it in the house all the time.

You may, though, want to purchase the space for a limited amount of time and let your child know that they have a deadline by which to take their belongings before they get thrown out.

Looking for Storage in Miami?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. At Xtra Storage, we’re committed to ensuring that people have a variety of different storage options in Miami. That’s why we offer four separate storage locations.

Our Brickell location can be found near Miami and Little Havana. If you want to get a free quote, you can call us at 305.257.9307. For information on any of our four storage locations, you can fill out our contact page.